OneCNCXR5 30.99

There are many changes and additions in this version.

The major additions are in the 4 and 5 axis machining functionality

Extensive new 5 axis simultaneous ability has been added to the 5 axis simultaneous module for OneCNCXR5. This new functionality is supplied at no cost to all the existing XR5 module licences.

This new Swarf type machining utilises the tool flank to surface machine in 5 axis simultaneous mode. This unique system in OneCNC is highly automated and there is no need to construct guide or control rails.

The automation provides full control over the setting of accuracy start and end position and the cut control. This one function supports all types of parts both internal external or even undercut with the same automation for the user.

The one function provides control for turbine blisk or blade type machining without requiring specialised modules. This new functionality is included as a standard feature for users that have the 5 axis simultaneous module.

Here is a movie showing some of this functionality.


Additions to 4 axis Milling Module.

New 4 axis ability is added to all the OneCNCXR4 licences. This new ability gives greater control over the axis machining of all the 4 axis functions. They can now be performed on the X and or Y axis and in the case of 5 axis around the X Y or Z axis.

The 4 axis Wrap function can also be used around the X or Y axis and in the case of the 5 axis around the Z axis. The geometry or model is still constructed for simplicity of use at the XY position and the axis of rotation nominated in the function.

Here is a movie showing some of this functionality.


New Ability for Fanuc 5 axis positional cycle of G68.2

There is the post setting for new ability in this version for Fanuc G68.2 Classic Eula Cycle.

These variable should not be used or set without understanding the actual movements of this machine with this cycle. Any doubt whatsoever please call your support office.

This new ability has been added to allow for the post to be set around the Y axis.

G68.2 X0 Y0 Z0 {ECX} {ECY} {ECZ} 

The changes are as listed and in the Mill and Lathe products.

OneCNC Mill planar function has had modification to better handle tiny tools of 1mm or less. 
OneCNC Lathe B axis module the picking of local Z value was changed.
OneCNC Mill Traditional pocked has had modification for better connection between levels.
In the drilling dialog for hole recognition there is a change allowing for more room in this function.
The 3 axis reposition function the global axis can now be seen with a faint dotted line.
The hole wizard now shows the plane position and marks it with a plane coordinate.
The verify function has been changed to now show the plane position.
The simulation of engraving was changed to allow for tiny engraving tools of less than .4mm diameter.


Some software languages were all updated to suit the new features and changes.

New Threading Post ability for Lathe Bosch Control

If you have a Bosch CC220 control or similar on your lathe OneCNC Lathe now handles the G33 cycle for this machine. Contact your Support office if this is a machine that you have.

Help Files

More changes were implemented in the Japanese help file to complete the localization of the OneCNC products.

The English help files have again been updates in all products to bring them to current version.